2024年9月16日 星期一





根據刊登於科學期刊「自然」(Nature)的研究報告,宇宙誕生後才4.3億年,這個黑洞就在所謂的「宇宙黎明」(cosmic dawn時期猛烈吞噬其宿主星系

研究報告共同作者、劍橋大學(CambridgeUniversity)天文學家修爾茲(Jan Scholtz)告訴法新社說,這使得此一黑洞比迄今觀察到的任何其他大質量黑洞(massive black hole)都要早了2億年。但它的質量卻是太陽的160萬倍。



正是這種光線讓哈伯太空望遠鏡(Hubble spacetelescope)在2016年發現了位於大熊座(Ursa Major)方向的宿主星系GN-z11


2022年,韋伯太空望遠鏡(James Webb SpaceTelescope)超越哈伯成為最強大的太空望遠鏡,所公布的大量新發現,讓科學家們忙著跟上腳步。


在宇宙黎明期間,恆星和星系才剛誕生。這黑洞就已經大力吞噬GN-z11一般來說, 位於星系中心位置的超大質量黑洞(Supermassive Black Hole),通常若不是數十億年才形成,快也得要數億年;那麼這一個黑洞怎麼會成長這麼快速呢?


研究報告共同作者、法國巴黎天體物理研究所(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)的天體物理學家夏洛(Stephane Charlot)認為,相較於稍近期的黑洞,早期宇宙的黑洞可能是以不同方式形成的。






修爾茲希望韋伯望遠鏡及其他即將推出的望遠鏡,例如歐洲太空總署(European Space)的歐幾里得望遠鏡(Euclid,能夠在宇宙最初的微光中發現更多這樣的黑洞。

Tiny black holes from the dawn of time may be altering our planet's orbit, new study suggests


Some of the universe's oldest black holes swoop past our cosmic neighborhood at least once every decade, moving planets in their wake, a new study suggests. And if scientists can detect them, it would provide the first proof that these black holes exist as dark matter.

一項新的研究表明,宇宙中一些最古老的黑洞至少每十年就會掠過我們的宇宙鄰居一次,並隨之移動行星。 如果科學家能夠偵測到它們,這將首次證明這些黑洞以暗物質的形式存在

Black holes, regions of immense gravity that even trap light, are some of the cosmos' most bizarre objects. But arguably the strangest among them are primordial black holes (PBHs). Astronomers have hypothesized that PBHs formed when dense, hot regions of space collapsed in the second immediately following the Big Bang.

黑洞是宇宙中最奇怪的物體之一,它具有巨大的引力,甚至可以捕捉光線。 但可以說其中最奇怪的是原始黑洞(primordial black holes, PBH)。 天文學家推測,PBH 是在大爆炸後緊接著的第二秒內,稠密、炎熱的太空區域塌陷時形成的。

Depending on when they were born in this one-second interval, PBHs are projected to have masses ranging from a hundred-thousandth the mass of a paper clip to that of 100,000 suns. But some scientists believe that PBHs with masses between asteroids like Juno and Eros are the most important because they may be primarily made of dark matter, a mysterious material that glues components of galaxies together.

根據在這一秒鐘間隔內誕生的時間,PBH 重量預計從回形針質量的十分之一到 100,000 個太陽的質量不等。 但一些科學家認為,重量介於朱諾和愛神星等小行星之間的PBH是最重要的,因為它們可能主要由暗物質構成,暗物質是一種將星系成分黏合在一起的神秘物質。

There's a problem, though. No astronomical observations have ever definitively identified black holes of this type and mass (which, despite their asteroid-like mass, are "between the size of a hydrogen molecule and the size of an average bacterium," study authors Tung Tran, Sarah Geller, Benjamin Lehmann, and David Kaiser all researchers at the Center for Theoretical Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote in a joint email to Live Science).



但有一個問題。 研究作者 Tung TranSarah Geller、本傑明·萊曼(Benjamin Lehmann)和大衛·凱澤(David Kaiser)都是麻省理工學院理論物理中心的研究人員,他們在給《Live Science》的聯合電子郵件中寫道。


If such a PBH were to encounter Earth, it wouldn't destroy the planet. Yet the new study, published Dec. 28, 2023 on the preprint database arXiv, suggests PBHs should subtly  affect objects in the solar system. If "a PBH flies by a planet, it starts that planet wobbling or rocking slightly around the path it was taking before the flyby," the authors wrote in the email.

That means the distances of planets from the sun or from us will change over time. Measuring these periodic oscillations in distance could reveal a PBH's passage.


如果這樣的PBH遇到地球,它就不會毀滅地球。 然而,2023 12 28 日在預印本資料庫 arXiv 上發表的這項新研究表明,PBH 應該會微妙地影響太陽系中的物體。 作者在電子郵件中寫道,如果“PBH 飛過一顆行星,它就會開始使該行星圍繞其飛越之前的路徑輕微擺動或搖擺。”

這意味著行星與太陽(或我們)的距離將隨著時間而變化。 測量這些週期性的距離振盪可以揭示PBH的通過。

Related: James Webb telescope discovers oldest black hole in the universe

To reach this conclusion, the researchers first calculated how closely a PBH would have to whizz past an object in the solar system to alter its movement. They found this distance could be very large as much as a few astronomical units or AUs. (One AU is the distance from Earth to the sun.)

Using data about the positions of planets and certain moons from the JPL Horizons database (which records the positions of an additional 1 million solar system objects), the researchers performed simulations to calculate how the trajectories of the planets or moons would change, assuming a PBH with the mass of an asteroid came within 2 AUs of the sun. Over a period of years, the orbits of the planets and moons would wobble by around 1 or more inches or even several feet.

為了得出這個結論,研究人員首先計算了PBH必須與太陽系中的物體有多近才能改變其運動。 他們發現這個距離可能非常大——長達幾個天文單位或天文單位。 (一天文單位是地球到太陽的距離。)


研究人員使用 JPL Horizons 資料庫(該資料庫記錄了另外 100 萬個太陽系天體的位置)中有關行星和某些衛星位置的數據進行了模擬,以計算假設 PBH 下行星或衛星的軌跡將如何變化小行星的質量與太陽的距離不超過2 個天文單位。 在幾年的時間裡,行星和衛星的軌道會擺動大約一英寸或更多英寸,甚至幾英尺。

However, actually detecting these wobbles and confirming they are the result of PBH flybys will be extremely challenging. It turns out we have pretty precise measurements of how far certain celestial objects are from Earth, thanks to numerous space missions for instance, Martian rovers have helped calibrate the Earth-Mars distance to within 4 inches (10 centimeters). But this isn't the case with other celestial bodies. The error margins of some measurements are very similar to the distances by which the planets would likely get pushed by a PBH, according to the study.


然而,實際檢測這些擺動並確認它們是 PBH 飛越的結果將極具挑戰性。 事實證明,由於大量的太空任務,我們對某些天體與地球的距離有了相當精確的測量——例如,火星漫遊車已經幫助將地球與火星的距離校準到 4 英寸(10 厘米)以內。 但其他天體的情況並非如此。 根據這項研究,一些測量的誤差範圍與行星可能被 PBH 推動的距離非常相似。


So even if the paths of such objects changed, astronomers wouldn't be able to say if it was because of an instrument error or an actual PBH. What's needed, the researchers said, are more precise simulations and higher-quality observations.


因此,即使這些物體的路徑發生了變化,天文學家也無法確定這是由於儀器誤差還是實際的PBH造成的。 研究人員表示,我們需要的是更精確的模擬和更高品質的觀察。

