2008年12月30日 星期二
2008年12月27日 星期六
願我以感謝為祭獻給衪、 歡呼述說祂的作為。 詩 107:22
(1)一月初, 美國的IBM公司, 同意加簽我在臺灣工作時限到明年四月。 這段期間我絕大部份時間可以在家上班, 是唯一能一面工作一面照顧雙親的最佳方法。
對這幾乎不合常理的安排, 我只有滿心感謝我的神!
(2)二月底, 兩位寶貝公主, 從美國飛來探望我們。
她們見到奶奶的最後一面。 難過中, 滿了安慰。 她們是乖孩子。 這年頭能在聯邦政府上班, 沒有太大壓力。 為此我特別地感謝我的神。
祂奇妙的安排, 總是出乎我所想所求。
(3)三月中, 親愛的毋親發病, 四月病重入院, 從北醫轉到臺大急疹, 五月入公館病房, 妹妹從德州趕回來, 卻也無法看到母親的病情好轉。
這其間教會的弟兄姐妹, 牧師長老常來探望, 使我們在極大的患難中, 得到安慰。 除了依靠神外, 嘆息人的能力是何等的有限啊!
(4)七月初, 申請了半年的印佣終於來了, 她是極乖巧, 極可愛的女孩, 名叫Dailah。 她一來便進入情況, 負起照顧父親的責任, 使我們無後顧之憂。
Dailah 安靜, 勤奮, 老實, 良善, 無疑是神差派來幫助我們的使女。
(5)八月初, 母親体諒我們辛勞, 堅絕地放棄任何急救手續。 終於, 她嚥下最後一口氣, 卸下一生的勞苦, 走了! 我們都非常地難過。
瑞安街牧師, 長老及弟兄姐妹為我們安排了使我終身難以忘懷的追思禮拜, 鎏熒, 妃湘和台珍在百忙中, 抽空前來安慰支持。
這在我的意料之外, 在我回國後, 謝兄嫂常來照顧, 我和妻子由衷地感謝。
(6)九月房租到期, 搬回去和父親同住。 謝謝愛妻的支持, 願意和一位神志恍惚的公公相處。
為了使爸睌上能安睡, 我們又雇了一位台藉看護叫-阿秀。 她也是一位敬業,有耐心, 有愛心的人。 自從阿秀來後, 晚上人人都可得安眠。 她照顅父親無微不致, 乃致父親的痴呆症似有不再惡化的現象。
(7)十一月, 妻和我飛去香港和女兒及她們男友們相聚, 參加姪女的婚禮, 並一塊去泰國普吉島消遙了一週。
是神的保守, 沒有遇上動亂, 一路平安愉快。 神撫平了我心頭的創傷, 誏我重新得力。
(8)一年來不斷地有朋友從美國來台北探望我們, 使我們這把他鄉當故鄉的“鄉愁” 略略地減少一些。
一切的愛, 都是從創造天地的神源源不斷地澆灌下來的。
A Teacher Who've Changed My Life
It was a hot and humid summer afternoon in the central part of Taiwan. After lunch, most kids acted like restless puppies and wanted to go out to the field to have fun. Miss Wang, a young teacher in her early 20s, came into our classroom for a routine math class. It certainly was not easy to get the attention of all the 4th graders at this hour, especially, in a classroom without any air conditioning or fan. As I recalled, Miss Wang was a very beautiful lady. Although she was young, she was mature and knew how to handle a class like this.
Solving math problems was always one of my favorite activities. Besides this, I loved art class and choir practice. She knew we had just recently learned a story about the greatest American inventor – Thomas A. Edison. Quietly, she wrote a math problem on the blackboard. Then she turned around and asked us to be quiet. She then challenged us by saying whoever could first solve this problem and get the right answer will be a Chinese Edison!
That certainly got my attention, since I wanted to be a great inventor like Edison long before we heard the story. I was always curious about new toys. My creations may have been a nuisance and a bit crazy to others. For example, my brother and I both received a brand new clock from Dad as a gift. I was so excited and woke up in the middle of the night. I was so eager to find out how it works that I could not resist quickly taking the alarm clock apart. But I failed to put it back together. Well, I did put it together but it stopped ticking. I sneaked into my brother’s bed room and borrowed his clock. This time, I wrote down every single step with detailed sketches. Before dawn I was very frustrated with two broken clocks. To make a long story short, I did not get any punishment from my parents, rather just a few strange remarks. This experience did not stop me from being curious. Later, more damage was done to my mother’s pots and pans when I created a rice washing machine and a few other devices.
In about 5 minutes, I raised my hand to give the answer. In the meantime, I was so afraid that I might have made a mistake and lose the title. In the past, I never did well in any test due to absent-mindedness. Sometimes, during a test I finished the front page and turned it in without even noticing that there were some more problems printed on the back, so I goofed! But, this time, I wanted the title so much that I double and triple checked the answer in my mind even while raising my hand. Indeed, there were many smarter kids in the class but I guess they did not care so much for that Edison title. Half an hour later, Miss Wang asked me to write down the answer step-by-step on the board. It was simple, only three steps and there was the answer! Yes, I got the answer right, but I solved it in a different way than she did and so saved about 5 steps. It took another 10 or so nervous minutes for her to agree that my approach was a better one and she finally announced that this kid will be our future Chinese Edison!
So many years later, maybe all the kids in the class including our teacher have already forgotten this episode, but it is an unforgettable moment in my life. It certainly has motivated me, whether consciously or unconsciously, with the life-long goal of wanting to be the greatest Chinese inventor. I looked around and today there are so many great inventors in world history whose inventions have collectively improved the quality of our lives. As a high-tech engineer with many years of accumulated experience in IBM, so far I have accumulated close to 600 issued patents (363 US and 221 foreign) plus 300 more pending. I am not sure that I can ever break Mr. Edison’s record. However I certainly enjoy my job a lot more than those who are just being regular engineers. I used to wonder, have I achieved my goal to become the Chinese Edison? Am I the most prolific inventor among all the Chinese descendants? But now, this is not important. One thing that I want to stress is - a good teacher one meets early in childhood can have significant impact on that person for the rest of his life.
Finally Miss Wong, no matter where you are, thank you for the seed that you planted in a young boy’s heart.
禮拜完了以後, 我們喜歡在附近的小館子裡用餐。一到外頭, 老爸的食量和胃口都很不錯。 無論是飲茶、點心、或湯、或麵, 爸慢條斯理地吃, 吃得津津有味, 不像妻和我囫圇吞, 似乎患了吃飯比賽誰快的壞毛病。
這時, 我抬起頭來, 靜靜地觀看他吃飯的神情。 爸雖然得了老年痴呆的病症, 但外表看起來, 還是和以前一樣英俊俏灑, 難怪他的泌尿科醫師每回見到他時, 總是喊他帥哥。
回到家, 還未來得及把鞋襪脫下, 老爸迅速地探身到飯廳和廚房, 喊了幾聲: 「惠欽! 惠欽!」 那是我的母親, 他愛妻的名字。 出自他的口中是如此的親切。 沒有回音, 倉促踱步到母親的臥房, 探頭望去, 一片雜亂, 就嘟噥著: 「這人又去了那裡? 」於是便在茶几上尋找那熟悉的字條。
以往媽媽出門總會留一行字。 提醒他。 可是, 這回翻來覆去, 信封背, 電話簿, 卻沒有找到隻言片語。 這時我得馬上得運用 「機智」來解圍, 免得他開始慌亂以後便不可收拾。 爸爸迷惘的眼神, 無助地望著我, 他似懂非懂。
稍微安靜下來以後, 爸就將公寓的鐵門打開。
自己端一把藤椅坐在門口, 靜靜地等著, 喃喃自語說: 「她一會就會回來! 她一會就會回來!」這景象讓我內心悲慟萬分。
妹妹從德卅回來, 這兩個月給了我們極大的支持和幫助。 如今簽証到期, 又不得不回去。 在她回美之前, 不顧媽的反對, 說什麼, 都要帶爸去醫院去探望媽媽。 這時媽己住院住了四十多天。 醫生診斷她己喪失了自己呼吸的能力。
為了避免徒然增加更多受苦的日子, 媽毅然反對插管, 氣切, 和任何遽烈性的急救。 掛著巨大的呼吸面罩, 在她美麗的臉頰上留下兩道深深地凹痕。
我們都心知肚明, 她不要爸看到她那醜陋的樣子, 更不願爸受到刺激。
來到病房, 我畏怯地領著老爸來到母親的床前。 爸盯著眼前的陌生人, 卻躊躇不前, 回頭困惑地問我說: 「她到底是誰啊?」 在他的咡邊我輕聲說: 「她就是惠欽呀! 」當然, 爸也早己忘記我是他的兒子。 他心中只記得那名叫惠欽的妻子。 而絕不是眼前這個病入膏肓的老婦人。
母親看到了心愛的丈夫, 面罩裡她的雙眼卻睜著明亮, 眨也不眨地望著她的帥哥。
那愛憐目光彷彿回到當初初戀時那段日子一般。 我深深地知道, 她要再一次緊緊地抓住那最後永恆的一刻。 眼淚卻一束束地流下。
爸爸愣了一會, 三步兩步蹣跚地靠近母親, 禮貌地握著她己癱瘓多時的手說: 「來! 我為妳做個禱告。 」當父親結束了他簡短的祈禱, 妹差點也要放聲大哭。
哎! 六十年夫妻, 到末了, 卻讓人感到人生的無奈, 像斷了線的風箏。
那一端, 線已斷了, 另一端,
卻無情地任憑她孤獨地在狂風裏飄盪掙扎。 媽媽閉上她沈重的眼皮, 吃力地喘著絲絲殘餘的氣息。 我攙著父親, 頭也不回地朝著門外離去。
後記: 母親過世9年後, 父親於2017年3月離開世界, 和他愛妻永遠一起在天家。